Saturday, August 20, 2016

Whats are the PHP Syntax ?

PHP Syntax 

The default file extension of  php is ".php". The php syntax are described and listed below:

How to Start PHP?

PHP code start is start with "<?php" and end with "?>". Flow the example below- 

// Inset or type the php code here as you know'


Generally php contain html tag. Without html tag we are unable to enhance php result.

Example of Code:


<h1> This is the header using HTML tag</>

// The code of php


Comments Syntax

All programming have their own comments syntax. In php comments syntax is executable program. The comment syntax start with "//" or "#" but there is no end tag for single line comments. Double line comments start with "/*" and end wiht "*/"

Example of Code:



// This is the comments systex of php
# This is the comments systex of php
/* This is the multiple line comments. You can input as many word as you want. so dont hesitat to explain here. */

echo 'The above codes are not executable in php programming';



Case Sensitivity Syntax

In php script case sensitivity is not a factor for the keywords like "if", "while", "loop" etc. we can write both uppercase and lowercase.

Example of Code:



eCho 'The above code is not execugtable in php programming <br>';
ecHo 'The above code is not execugtable in php programming <br>';
ECHO 'The above code is not execugtable in php programming <br>';
echo 'The above code is not execugtable in php programming <br>';


PHP Variables Syntax

Php language have variables. which is used in coding. The variable start wih "$" here. The variables are container. If you use text variables than double quotes the value. e.g. "Hello Worlds". Variable is nothing but a name. A variable must start with a letter. It can not start with number. Variable name are case sensitive. E.g. "$Mashiur" and "$mashiur" are two different variable.

Example of Code:


$mashiur_says = "Hello How are You";
$shorif_says = "I am fine";
$varia_sum = 5;
$variable_fraction = 2505;




  1. Garmentspedia Says What is he difference between " and ' in php script. E.g. echo 'The above code is not execugtable in php programming
    '; and echo "The above code is not execugtable in php programming
    ";. Both are showing same result.
