PHP Variables
Php language have some variables. which is used in scripting. The variable start wih "$" sign here. The variable is container. If you use text variables than double quotes the value. e.g. "Hello Rahman". Example of variables "$Mashiur" and "$mashiur" are two different variable. Now I am discussing different different types of variable here -
PHP Output Variables:
The echo statement is called output variables. Because it show output data on screen.Example of PHP Output Variables:
$variables_faruk = "HI Faruk, How are you?";
echo "Hello Faruk. " .$variables_faruk. " Yes I am fine";
// Or another way we will get same output
$variables_faruk = "Hi Faruk, How are you?";
echo " Hello FAruk $variables_faruk Yes I am fine";
// Result is : Hello Faruk. HI Faruk, How are you? Yes I am fine
Sum of Variables
// Sum of variables
$variable1 = 100;
$variable2 = 200;
$varable3 = 300;
$variable4 = 400;
$varable5 = 500;
echo $variable1 + $variable2 + $varable3 + $variable4 + $varable5;
// Result of above code is : 1500
PHP Variables Scope
The variable of PHP can be assigned any where of the script. It has different type of variable scope. E.g.
- local variable
- global variable
- static variable
Local variable: A variable is declared within or inside of the function is called local variables
Global variable: A variable declared outside of the functions is called global variables.
$variable_global = 500; //global scope
function globalvariable () {
//This will show an error. That means it does not sohw any output.
echo "<p>By using variable inside will show an error : $variable_global</p>";
globalvariable ();
echo "<p>By using variable inside will dont show an error: $variable_global</p>";
Result is :
Notice: Undefined variable: variable_global in D:\xampp\htdocs\scripthour\index.php on line 11
By using variable inside will show an error :
By using variable inside will dont show an error: 500
Local Variables
function function_local () {
$local_variables = 600; //local scope
echo "<p>This is local variable inside of function and dont show any error $local_variables</p>";
function_local() ;
echo "<p>This is local variable outside of function and show any error $local_variables</p>";
/*Result is
This is local variable inside of function and dont show any error 600
Notice: Undefined variable: local_variables in D:\xampp\htdocs\scripthour\index.php on line 13
This is local variable outside of function and show any error */
Global Keyword
$global_variable1 = 500;
$global_variable2 = 600;
$global_variable1 = 500;
$global_variable2 = 600;
function global_variable_inside_function () {
global $global_variable1, $global_variable2;
$global_variable1 = $global_variable1 + $global_variable2;
global_variable_inside_function ();
echo "$global_variable1";
//Result : 1100
PHP also store the global variable in array is called $GLOBALS[index]. The index is also hold the name only of a variable. The above code can be written as
$global_variable1 = 500;
$global_variable2 = 600;
global $global_variable1, $global_variable2;
$global_variable1 = $global_variable1 + $global_variable2;
global_variable_inside_function ();
echo "$global_variable1";
//Result : 1100
PHP also store the global variable in array is called $GLOBALS[index]. The index is also hold the name only of a variable. The above code can be written as
$global_variable1 = 500;
$global_variable2 = 600;
function global_variable_inside_function () {
$GLOBALS['global_variable1'] = $GLOBALS['global_variable1'] +$GLOBALS['global_variable2'] ;
global_variable_inside_function ();
echo "$global_variable1";
$GLOBALS['global_variable1'] = $GLOBALS['global_variable1'] +$GLOBALS['global_variable2'] ;
global_variable_inside_function ();
echo "$global_variable1";
//Result : 1100
$static_variable = 500;
PHP The Static Keyword
Generally when a function is implemented than all the value of its is deleted. Sometimes we do not want to do this. We wont delete this. To do it we need static keywords<html>
$static_variable = 500;
function staticvariable() {
static $static_variable = 0;
echo $static_variable;
$static_variable ++ ;
static $static_variable = 0;
echo $static_variable;
$static_variable ++ ;
Result : 012345678
By Autogarment. Autogarment Sales all types of ERP related to garments industries.
Result : 012345678
By Autogarment. Autogarment Sales all types of ERP related to garments industries.
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